Info from the past month I'd actually consume again.
The Fatal Pinch - Paul Graham
Building a referrals program 🤲- Lenny Rachitsky
The only thing that matters - Marc Andreesen
Default Alive or Default Dead? - Paul Graham
Disintermediation in Marketplaces and How to Fight It - Josh Breinlinger
Other Things
Antifragility - Alex Danco
The Definitive Manifesto for Handling Haters: Anne Lamott on Priorities and How We Keep Ourselves Small by People-Pleasing - Brain Pickings
Boris - How to set goals in uncertain situations - Vaughn Tan
Reality mining - Negative capability, seeing what's actually there, and situationally appropriate innovation. - Vaughn Tan
A Conversation with Mingyur Rinpoche - Sam Harris
Washington: A Life - Ron Chernow
The Language of Emotions - Karla McLaren
Difficult Conversations - Douglas Stone et al