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- Fundamental inputs == information that I believe (for now) is important for the fundamental for all actions when building a startup.
- My primary filter was, "Would I be super excited if a new hire of mine read [this]?"
Macro Understanding
Intellectual Humility by Shane Snow - Core mindset for progress of all types (respecting other viewpoints; not being intellectually overconfident; separating your ego from your intellect; being willing to revise your important viewpoints)
Understanding is a poor substitute for convexity (antifragility) by Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Hammers on uncertainty, optionality, and experimental mentality.
Speed as a habit by Dave Girouard - Building speed into company DNA + should pervade all behaviors
Let process be implemented by those who practice it by Yishan Wong - This dovetails with speed as a habit, and opens convo of how formal process only implemented "right before the point where things tip into chaos."
How to De-Risk a Startup by Leo Polovets- De-risking is what every early-stage startup person should be doing through their role
A Dozen lessons about product/market fit by Tren Griffin - Pulls in tons of concepts this person should ask about, and gets at what an early-stage co. is driving towards